If I Can Lose 50 Pounds, You Can Do It, Too

By Shaina Zazzaro

Summer is over, fall is here. Time for you to get in gear (did you like my rhyme?)

Summer allows us to make excuses for staying consistent. We only get a few months a year in Rochester to enjoy sunshine and warm weather, so naturally we go out to parties more, out to dinner more, and lack planning our food more.

I am here to help guide you to begin planning more to set you up for success until at least Christmas.

Let’s stop making excuses and get to work!

The easiest way to start is to evaluate your current eating habits and to review and make positive changes.

When people ask me about losing weight, I tell them for a week to track their food on My Fitness Pal, a health and fitness tracking smartphone app and website. The app is available for Android and iOS devices.

You can be as accurate as you are able to be, and then in a week to review and see what habits you may have.

It can be a habit as simple as knowing that every Monday you lack preparation and eat Grubhub, not only costing you more money than if you were to plan for your food, but having high fat, high calorie lunch; or something like eating out every Tuesday because your kids have football practice.

The first step of change is to recognize the change so you can make a positive adjustment to your lifestyle.

By observing these habits, you can recognize an opportunity to preplan your lunch or dinner for the specified dates and times, and to pack yourself a nice, healthy meal.

It is little adjustments that set you up for the future.

If you are looking to lose weight and live in Rochester email me at shainazazzaro@ehmeals.com and I can walk you through options for nutrition coaching and healthy meals.

If I can lose 50-plus pounds three times, you can do it too!