Colorectal Cancer Screening: Safe During COVID-19

By Carolyn Handville

There are many things we’ve had to put off because of COVID-19 but getting screened for colorectal cancer doesn’t have to be one of them.  Stool-based screening tests can check for colorectal cancer. These tests are done in the privacy and safety of your home.

The Cancer Services Program (CSP) of the North Country is asking adults to talk to their health care providers about a colorectal cancer test called FIT.  FIT (fecal immunochemical test) looks for blood in a small amount of stool. You do the test at home and mail it to a lab. If the test is normal, you do the test again in one year. If blood is found, you will need a colonoscopy to find out if the blood is from cancer.

A colonoscopy is done in a medical office. Many people are afraid to go into an office because of COVID-19, but health care providers are taking many steps to keep patients safe. Safety steps include making all staff and patients wear a mask, screening staff and patients for COVID-19 symptoms, increased cleaning of hands and surfaces, and social distancing.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a time to emphasize the importance of regular screenings. The CSP is spreading the word that colorectal cancer screening is a low-risk procedure that can save lives. Early screening may detect growths that can be removed before they turn into cancer, or find cancer in its early stages when it is more treatable. If you are 50 or older, make it a priority to get screened. For adults under 50, it’s essential to seek expert life care advice from a trusted health care provider to understand your risk and determine the right time to start screening.

If you don’t have insurance or a health care provider, our program may be able to help. The CSP provides free colorectal cancer screening to adults who qualify. We can also provide free breast and cervical cancer screening. Call 315-592-0830 today to find out if you qualify for any cancer screenings!

Carolyn Handville works for Oswego County Opportunities and is the program manager at Colon Screening Program of North Country, funded by the state of New York.