Great alternative for individuals considering orthopedic surgery or joint replacement due to arthritis or injury
Q: What is regenerative medicine?
A.: Regenerative injection treatments offer a great alternative for individuals considering elective orthopedic surgery or joint replacement due to arthritis or injury. Patients experience very little down time and they typically avoid the long, painful rehabilitation periods that can follow surgery. The goal of these non-surgical procedures is to help heal the source of pain, not to simply mask it. Since 2014, Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine in Syracuse has provided state-of-the-art regenerative cellular therapies to help patients find relief from pain without invasive surgeries. You can also visit sites like if you want to learn how to deal with your back pain.
Q: Athletes like Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant and many other professional athletes have had PRP and stem cell injections. What are these injections, and how does a patient choose what to do?
A.: These athletes chose integrative medicine or a more holistic, natural approach to help heal their injuries using their bodies own repair mechanisms. There is great variability in the way the PRP (platelet rich plasma) or cells are processed and the end product that is injected into the patient. The experience level and training of the provider helping you decide what treatment is best for you and performing your injection is extraordinarily important. For example if you are suffering from a knee pain or injury, then you may try the Knee Pain Stem Cell Treatment.
Q: How does platelet rich plasma injections work?
For PRP injections, blood is drawn through a needle from your vein and placed into a centrifuge to spin it quickly and separate the different types of cells. Different centrifuges and spinning protocols are available, which create different concentrations of platelets. Science is telling us that some damaged tissue like arthritis heals better with higher levels of platelets, while some things like tears heal better with lower levels.
Q.: How about stem cell injections?
A.” “Stem cell” injections are even more variable in source and quality of content. There are products available a provider can buy from a stem cells bio clinic, that are sterilized and frozen and marketed as “stem cell” injections. Scientific studies have actually proven that these products contain no viable stem cells. At Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine, we use only the patient’s own bone marrow cells, drawn up with a needle from their own bone in the pelvis. The bone marrow contains stem cells and growth factors, which your body uses to stimulate healing of damaged tissue. Palmetto Stem Cell Therapy can also help you avoid surgery and its risks of complications.
Q.: What’s your experience with regenerative medicine?
Two years of my training was an interventional fellowship, spent learning and performing all types of spine and orthopedic injections. Numbing medicines like lidocaine used at high concentrations can injure or kill off the platelets or cells. Your provider must know what concentration and what numbing agent is safe for the viability of the cells. Since 2002, I have performed thousands of injections, most guided by use of an X-ray machine to confirm precise placement of the injection to optimize your results. Your procedure at Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine is carefully chosen based on review of the latest evidence based medicine, and performed by me, personally.
Q: What is new at Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine?
A: We are now the first office in CNY to offer Vampire Aesthetic Procedures and sexual health restorative procedures, using PRP. I completed training with the inventor of the procedures, Dr. Charles Runels, at his office in Alabama. I am a licensed provider for the O-Shot, Priapus Shot, Vampire Facelift, Vampire Facial, Vampire Breast Lift, Vampire Hair Growth.
Q.: In which way do these treatments help?
A.: Improving sexual health, and reducing wrinkles and scars are just some of the possibilities of these treatments. More information can be found on our website at
Regenerative Spine & Musculoskeletal Medicine
3400 Vickery Road, Syracuse, NY 13212 • • 315-701-4000