The Family Resource Center of Oswego County has undergone many changes within the last year. One of which included welcoming Catalina Fierro to its team as the new executive director.
From Reno, Nevada, she is looking forward to the impact she can make within the walls of the FRC and within the community.

Fierro is married to her high school sweetheart of 24 years and they have four children. In Nevada, she worked with youth in the public school setting and was involved as a volunteer in youth and family ministries for over 15 years.
She started at FRC as a volunteer peer counselor in the fall of 2020, counseling and encouraging new mothers and fathers, and by May of 2021, Fierro was asked to consider the executive director position. “After much prayer and the guidance of friends, I humbly accepted the position. I am very excited to be a part of the FRC family and I am so very excited to see how God’s plan unfolds through us. The impact we can make on the community is endless,”