Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY (HOA) invites the Central New York community to a cancer care celebration with the Auburn Doubledays at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 6, as a thank-you to its patients and the city of Auburn for their long-standing support. Free tickets to the event are available while supplies last at hoacny.com or at the HOA Auburn office at 37 W. Garden St., suite 301.
In addition to the baseball game against Geneva, the event will begin with a recognition ceremony for cancer survivors and end with a fireworks display. Open to everyone, not just cancer patients, the celebration also includes:
• The first pitch thrown by an HOA Auburn cancer survivor
• A gift for each cancer survivor in attendance
• A gift for the first 500 guests at the gate
• An opportunity to meet and talk with the HOA staff
“We look forward to this event every year,” says Maryann Roefaro, HOA’s chief executive officer. “Providing comprehensive cancer care to Auburn’s cancer patients since 2012 is our honor, and we are excited to celebrate that with the community.”
Located at 130 Division St. in Auburn, the Doubledays stadium can seat 4,000 spectators, and offers concessions. Gates for the July 6 event open at 6 p.m., and the game begins at 7:05 p.m. A rain date is scheduled for Saturday, July 13.
As a fully staffed, comprehensive cancer center, rather than a satellite office, HOA Auburn has been offering Cayuga County residents patient care close to home since 2012. Located in the Health Central building at 37 W. Garden St., suite 301, HOA Auburn is the only local cancer care provider staffed by a full-time, board-certified medical oncologist, nurse practitioner and physician assistant.
Services provided there include intravenous medication services for cancer, blood disorders and other non-oncology conditions; medication dispensing and nutritional consult appointments, as well as social work counseling and support. Auburn patients requiring radiation therapy are scheduled at their convenience in the practice’s nearby Onondaga Hill office in Syracuse.